gastrointestinal health

Health Tips

Gastrointestinal Health

Gastrointestinal (GI) health is central to the body health with a role that extends beyond digestion and absorption of nutrients and fluid. The GI health could impact immune system, mental health and overall well-being. Hence, improving and maintaining a healthy GI system is as important as to keep the body healthy.


Constipation is a common condition of difficulty in defecation, less than three bowel movement a week, or having hard, dry, lumpy stools and painful bowel movement. Constipation is not a disease, it is a condition that may happen on anyone at any age, which may last for a short or long time.   Read more

Gastritis – The Burning Pain from the Stomach

Gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach lining. When the protective mucus lined barrier of the stomach has been weakened or became thinned, the stomach wall was damaged and lead to inflammation. Gastritis can be occurred suddenly, known as acute gastritis, or become chronic gastritis, which appears slowly over time.   Read more

Gastroesophageal reflux and Natural Remedies to Combat it

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER), occurs when the contents of the stomach flow back up into the esophagus. This condition is also referred to as acid indigestion, acid regurgitation, heartburn, or simply reflux.   Read more

Probiotics and Prebiotics – the Gut Health Influencers

Both probiotics and prebiotics have beneficial effects on our body’s health. A lack of these nutrients may worsen gastrointestinal health, weaken immunity, and potentially lead to adverse health effects.   Read more